Contact Info

Address: Avenida Brasil 2241, Valparaíso, Chile.

Phone: +56-32-2274096+56-32-2273860


How do I get there?

UseCV is located in the Isabel Brown Caces Building (IBC), on the third floor, on Avenida Brasil, in front of the Teletón building of Valparaíso.

One way to get there is to take the Valparaíso Metro and get off at Francia Station in Valparaíso. The IBC building is across the street.

Other ways to get there are by bus, along Avenida Errázuriz (buses 601, 602, 603, 605, 606), Pedro Montt (buses 702, 510), Yungay or Chacabuco (buses 610, 611, 607, 510, 511) and getting off at Avenida Francia.

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